Here’s a few ways you can be involved:
- Stay in touch with us by adding yourself to our mailing list.
- Sign on to our open letter calling on Departments of Education to ban weapons companies from schools
- Join our facebook group and share your thoughts there. Meet other like minded teachers and help organise in your state.
- Become a member for just $1, helping support our work and pay for things that need paying for.
- Find out if your school is utilising any programs or educational material produced or promoted by defence corporations. If they are, tell us about it so we can add it to our growing database. Check out our resources page to help you do this.
- Platform alternatives! If you know about a great STEM education initiative – or maybe you run one – tell us about it here to contribute to our showcase of amazing teaching happening WITHOUT the dirty money of the weapons industry.
6. Become a judge on for our peace awards program – we need one in each state! Contact us for more information
7. Write for us or contribute to our resources page. You could contribute an article for this website, teaching resources that you have developed or have permission to share, art, graphics for social media or something else we haven’t even thought of!
8. Write a letter to your State education minister (here’s a sample) asking what policies they have to protect children from undue influence by weapons manufacturers. After all, they wouldn’t let a tobacco company form a partnership with a school! You can find a contact list here. Let us know of the reply you get?
9. Spread the word! The weapons industry enjoys operating in the shadows – so drag them into the light! Share a post from our website, talk about it with your friends and colleagues, use the campaign starter kit on our resources page for inspiration. Post with the hashtags #DemilitariseEducation, #NoPlaceInSchools, and #SkillingNotKilling
10. Contact us with an idea or suggestion. We’re always open to it.