Source: Growing Sustainable Businesses with STEM | Chief Scientist
Educators in Northern NSW are establishing innovative and engaging STEM partnerships with sustainable industries.
What does it take to run a business successfully while addressing serious sustainability issues? How can business owners solve environmental challenges?
To celebrate National Science Week in 2021, here are remarkable stories from 11 NSW enterprises which have invested their time and shared their experiences to inspire and encourage the next generation of innovators.
Growing Sustainable Businesses with STEM is a project developed as a partnership between the NSW Department of Education’s STEM Industry School Partnerships (SISP) program and the Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) program. Film maker Jill McCall from Piece Together Productions was commissioned to produce these 35 short films, which showcase the visionary work of people committed to making a difference with their business. SISP is delighted to partner with Inspiring Australia NSW to launch this initiative as part of National Science Week 2021.